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Green Green Green

Have you ever noticed the wide assortment of the color green in nature? Here’s what I discovered just taking a walk around my yard and neighborhood on this Wordless Wednesday. Green and Yellow. Green and Red.Greens that are spikey.Feathery.What about leafy?Lastly, how could I help myself when I saw these grapes this morning?!See you next…

Photos Can Speak A Thousand Words

I love posting on Wednesday’s, because I channel my inner quiet voice through my photography. Take a peak… The majestic Swan Geese.Ready for your close-up?Channel the Beatles…All together now, All together now, All together now, All together now, All together now, All together now…ALL TOGETHER NOW!!The End!  See you next week! Remember to tune in…

Melody Bar And Grill

Does your community have a neighborhood bar, like Cheers where everybody knows your name? Well mine does and it’s been in operation since 1952. When it first opened it was simply the Melody Bar, today it is the Melody Bar and Grill.www.melodylax.com While there have been several owners since it first opened, I’m happy to introduce…

What Bugs You?

I understand that bugs play a big role in our ecosystem and thought I ‘d share some of my bugs with you on this Wordless Wednesday. Okay, keeping it real…of course this isn’t wordless otherwise you wouldn’t see my comments…but as someone that was Born To Talk…this is as close to wordless as I can…

Meet Trish Lay

Trish Lay will be my guest this week.Behind every photo is a story and Trish has one to share with all of us.  Adopted at a very early age she navigated through the questions of why me and her experiences and issues that developed through her life.  It was a bumpy road that lead to…

The Birds Have It!

Another Wordless Wednesday with the birds in Marina Del Rey, CA. It was a breezy day, which may explain this snowy egret and it’s hair. Poor thing, it need a hair clip!The Egrets weren’t the only ones hoping to get lucky as the fishing boat was coming back to the docks. The Brown Pelicans wanted…

Feed The Kitty

Meet from left to right, Jon Shumway, Jed Mottley and Jack Maher. Jed and Jack will be joining me on June 6th, at 1:00 pm PT on my Born To Talk Radio Show, broadcasting form the LA Talk Live Studio in Westchester. www.LATalkLive.com you can also log on to www.ustream.tv/channel/la-talk-live   Hear how Jed and Jack met and…

Playin’ In Playa Vista

I’m so grateful for Wordless Wednesday because it allows me to share what I find so enthralling practically in my own backyard.  These ponds in Playa Vista are less than 10 minutes from my house.  The peacefulness I feel when I’m there transports me from my office to bliss. Off I go, grabbing my camera…