Joining me on the Born To Talk Radio Show Podcast from 1-2 PT on January 17th, is Tom Dozier, President of the Misophonia Institute. Tom. Tom Dozier, MS, BCBA, is a behaviorist who has researched and provided treatment for misophonia as a reflex behavior condition since 2012. He is a pioneer in misophonia research. Tom…
Charles Montorio-Archer
Thank you Dr. Charles Montorio-Archer for joining me on the Born To Talk Radio Show Podcast. Meet Charles. To begin with, Charles is the President and CEO of One Hope United and author of Everybody Paddles. He has served in leadership roles for the past 30 years and his leadership style continues to evolve. Understanding…
Charles Montorio-Archer
Joining me on the Born To Talk Radio Show Podcast on January 10th, from 1-2 PT is Dr. Charles Montorio-Archer, President and CEO of One Hope United. He is also the author of an international bestseller, Everybody Paddles. Dr. Charles Montorio-Archer. To begin with, here is a glimpse of Charles’ background and the many hats…
Walter Wolf
Thank you Walter Wolf for being a guest on my Born To Talk Radio Show Podcast. From a Hollywood producer to an interventionist, Walter is the founder of The Right Rehab and author of “The Right Rehab” In the beginning. Walter Wolf is the pen name for a 30-year veteran of the entertainment industry producing…
Walter Wolf
Joining me from 1-2 PT on January 3rd on the Born To Talk Radio Show Podcast is Walter Wolf Founder of The Right Rehab and author of The Right Rehab. Let’s Meet Walter. Walter Wolf is the pen name for a 30-year veteran of the entertainment industry producing studio & independent films and television on location…
Steve Piscitello
Thank you Steve Piscitello for joining me again this year on my last podcast of the Born To Talk Radio Show of 2021! Steve. His name is Steve Piscitello, but as an author, he goes by the pen name Steven Michaels. Why? Because no one knows how to spell or say his name correctly, and…
Steven Piscitello
Joining me on my Born To Talk Radio Show Podcast on December 13th, 1-2 PT, is returning guest Steven Piscitello. Steven. Steven Piscitello is better known as Steven Michaels in the writer’s world. He has only one excuse for using a pen name. According to Steven, it’s due in part to his actual last name…
Sarah Armstrong
Thank you, Sarah Armstrong, for joining me on this episode of the Born To Talk Radio Show Podcast. Sarah’s Background. Sarah never expected to write a book. She has a degree in marketing and played volleyball on a scholarship at Georgetown University. Currently, Sarah is Vice President, in Global Marketing Operations at Google. She is…
Sarah Armstrong
Joining me on the Born To Talk Radio Show Podcast on Monday, December 6th, from 1-2PT is author Sarah Armstrong. Let’s Meet Sarah. To begin with, Sarah Armstrong is a good divorce proponent and author of The Mom’s Guide to a Good Divorce. She is vice president, global marketing operations, at Google. Sarah is the…
Mitchell Levy
Thank you, Mitchell Levy, Global Credibility Expert, for joining me today on the Born To Talk Radio Show Podcast. Mitchell. Mitchell is a 2x TEDx speaker and international bestselling author of over 60 books. After interviewing 500 thought leaders on credibility, he created the Credibility Nation community. He has published a 7-country international bestselling book….