I’m always interested in meeting new people. The stories of my guests continue to inspire me each week. The happenstance of meeting Jabari, was just that, being in the right place at the right time. You will find his story inspiring because he has a road map that is leading him to personal success due…
Michael J. Bowler, Mentor, Author and Educator
I met Mike over 20 years ago while I was working at the YMCA. He was hard to miss. This athletic, strong, muscular man with long hair came in every afternoon. He headed straight for the free weight room. What you also couldn’t miss was the string of young people that followed him. He was…
Not Tonight, I have a Headache
While that might have a seductive sound, in reality if you suffer from headaches and especially migraines, this is no laughing matter. I am rebroadcasting a show from the first of the year with Dr. Ravinder Singh. Dr. Singh, is a Neurologist. He brings a strong passion for treating patients and improving their lives, especially those…
Raising Redemption
Have you ever considered writing a book? And if you did, what would it be about? Are you a history buff, a romantic, or a sci-fi lover? You would think that someone that enjoys writing a blog could imagine them self kicking it up a notch. I must admit, this is about my limit when…