Join me on the Born To Talk Radio Show Podcast on Monday, September 7th 1-2 PT with my guest, Jennie Lee Let’s meet Jennie Lee. Jennie is an Award-Winning Author, Yoga Therapist, and Spiritual Coach. For…

Born To Talk Radio Show |
Jamie Altshule
Thank you Jamie Altshule for joining me on my Born To Talk Radio Show Podcast. Our show focus is about Education. As an Education Consultant and founder of Academic Success, you will hear how Jamie and…
Jamie Altshule
My guest on the Born To Talk Radio Show Podcast on Monday, August 31st 1-2 PT is Jamie Altshule. Let’s Meet Jamie. Jamie Altshule, is an Educational Consultant and Founder of Academic Success, Inc. Born in…
Debra Eckerling, Goal Coach
Thank you Debra Eckerling for sharing your wisdom and experience today on my Born To Talk Radio Show about a subject we can all relate to, Goals. The D*E*B Method. “Goal-Setting Simplified.” Deb’s system, along with her…
Debra Eckerling
My guest on the Born To Talk Radio Show on Monday, August 24th from 1-2 PT will be Debra Eckerling. Meet Debra. Debra is an Author, Goal Coach & Founder of the D*E*B Method. Change Happens, are…
Yuri Williams
Have you ever met a Superhero? Today is your lucky day. Meet my guest, Yuri Williams. A Future Super Hero. The future is NOW. Yuri has seen troubled youth as a Peace Officer for the Probation…
Yuri Williams
Conversations + Connections = Community Joining me on my Born To Talk Radio Show Podcast on Monday, August 17th from 1-2 PT is Yuri Williams. Yuri is the founder of A Future Superhero And Friends 501(c)(3) non-profit….
Peter Bedard
Thank You, Peter Bedard! There is a “Chinese Proverb: One Picture Is Worth Ten Thousand Words.” This picture of Peter Bedard. is a perfect example. His hand over his heart space is not by accident. Peter…
Peter Bedard, Author, Teacher, Speaker & Hypnotherapist
Conversations + Connections = Community What’s Your Story? Peter Bedard Listen in to the Born To Talk Radio Show Podcast, Monday, August, 10th from 1-2 PT for our live show. Who is Peter Bedard? Peter holds…
The Sally Huss Story
Conversations + Connections = Community What’s Your Story? Sally Huss. Let’s start with tennis. Who introduced tennis to this young 10-year-old girl, growing up in Bakersfield, California? Little did she know then, how tennis would impact…