Thank you, Stephanie Sampson, for joining me again on my Born To Talk Radio Show Podcast. Stephanie is the Director of Communications for Los Angeles International Airport LAX, Landside Access Modernization Program, LAMP. Let’s Take a Closer Look. Automated People Mover. APM. …
Allen F. Maxwell
Thank you Allen F. Maxwell for joining me on my Born To Talk Radio Show Podcast. Allen. With success comes more success, when you learn how to navigate life’s systems. Don’t take anything personally, this is a waste of your time, recommends Allen F. Maxwell, Wall Street Journal and USA Today best-selling author of The…
Paola Rosser
Thank you Paola Rosser for joining me today on the Born To Talk Radio Show Podcast. Paola is the founder of the Fearless Female Movement and Podcast Host of Journey of A Fearless Female! What does Fearless Mean to YOU? We all walk our own journey. Some journeys are filled with smooth pathways while others…
Daniel Ramsey
Once again, I had a great Podcast today. Thank you Daniel Ramsey for joining me on the Born To Talk Radio Show Podcast. I learned a great deal about MyOutDesk, your Virtual Assistant Company. How did he get started? In the beginning. Starting at age 12, Daniel was a “serial entrepreneur” in the making. Little…
This Is Autism
Thank you Jessica Leichtweisz and Aidan Allman-Cooper for joining me on my Born To Talk Radio Show Podcast, and sharing information and inspiration about autism. What is Autism? Autism, or autism spectrum disorder ASD, refers to a broad range of conditions or levels. Because autism is a spectrum disorder, each person with autism has a…
Deb Landry
Thank you Deb Landry for joining me on the Born To Talk Radio Show Podcast. A woman of many hats. To begin with, Deb is an author, certified parenting coach, podcast host, professional operational consultant, and activist for children’s rights. She has authored a memoir and three children’s books. Yankee Go Home, The Snapdragon Princessco-authored…
Heather Hansen
Thank you Heather Hansen for joining me today on my Born To Talk Radio Show Podcast. It’s always interesting how I meet my guests and Heather is no exception. Thanks to a Facebook group Bird Brains, we became connected. If you love birds, you will want to check it out. In the beginning. Heather grew…
Mickey Marraffino
I hope you enjoyed another episode of the Born To Talk Radio Show Podcast, featuring Mickey Marraffino. Recap. It won’t take you long to hear the joy in Mickey’s voice. With a long career in the Shopping Centers Industry, Mickey has used that experience when she started her own company, MickeyM Marketing. Shopping Centers. If…
Author, Michael Levy
Thank you, Michael Levy, for joining me once again on my Born To Talk Radio Show Podcast. I always learn so much from you. As you listen to Michael’s story, it will become evident that his philosophy on life can be adapted to anyone that is interested in stepping into that self-awareness journey. As an…
Susan G. Komen LA County
As the host of the Born To Talk Radio Show Podcast, I couldn’t have been more excited and proud to have Susan G. Komen LA County featured once again on my Podcast. Thank you Mark Pilon, Executive Director of Susan G. Komen LA County, and Sharon Schlesinger, Founder, and Chair of the Susan G. Komen…