Thank you to my guests, Charlene Carey and Karen Dial for joining me on today’s Born To Talk Radio Show Podcast. Charlene is the founder of the Rocky Mountain Ballet Theatre & School and President of Ballet Beyond Borders. Joining her today is my neighbor from Westchester, California, Karen Dial. Karen is the Sponsor and…
Bill Dudley & Jesse Chavez…Dudley’s Records Vintage Vinyl
Thank you, Bill Dudley and Jesse Chavez from Dudley’s Records Vintage Vinyl store, for joining me today on this special Tuesday, edition of the Born To Talk Radio Show Podcast! This was a musical delight! What a day! And, what a day it was!!! If you have been following me on my Born To Talk…
John Clayton, Travel with a Difference!
Once again, I had another fabulous Born To Talk Radio Show Podcast. Today’s guest was John Clayton. John is a Storyteller! Born in London, you will be transported with his British accent. John will share stories about his life, that include his accent and his background. Why did he move to New York in the…
Wellness Empowerment Coach, Katie Rampen
Wellness Empowerment Coach, Katie Rampen was my special guest on the Born To Talk Radio Show Podcast. Let’s breakdown those words. What does it mean to be a Wellness Empowerment Coach? Wellness. Wellness is an active process of becoming aware of and making choices toward a healthy and fulfilling life. It is more than being…
Artist, Kristine Schomaker
Another wonderful show, thanks to my guest Kristine Schomaker! What makes a show wonderful, you ask? As the host of the Born To Talk Radio Show Podcast, the vital link for a wonderful show is my guest. Sometimes I know my guests, and that’s how I connect and invite them to join me. Other times,…
Dr. JoAnn Staten, Otis College of Art and Design
Thank you, JoAnn Staten, for joining me on my Born To Talk Radio Show Podcast. Let’s get to know JoAnn. JoAnn grew up in Baltimore, Maryland. Both of her parents were educators, but she initially didn’t think that was something she wanted to do. She explains how she was drawn into education from her own…
Michael Torres Jaimes & Deziree Slusher
The Born To Talk Radio Show Podcast featured my guests Michael Torres Jaimes & Deziree Slusher. This show is filled with valuable information! Regardless of your age or circumstances, their background and passions come through loud and clear with the goal of living a productive, loving, kind and happy life. Their Story. Life wasn’t easy…
Dean Smith and the Civil War
The Born To Talk Radio Show Podcast with Dean Smith is an excellent example of passion and commitment. Dean’s Story. Why late in life did Dean find the Civil War so interesting? You’ll have to listen in for that answer. Could it be his late, great great grandfather? His name was George Washington and you…
Ray Sweet & Ray Lopez from the Society of St. Vincent de Paul, Los Angeles
Today’s Born To Talk Radio Show Podcast featured Ray Sweet, President of the Board of the Society of St. Vincent de Paul, Los Angeles and Ray Lopez, Camp Director at the Circle V Ranch Camp. St. Vincent de Paul of Los Angeles is a Catholic volunteer organization that serves the poor and homeless of any…
Florence Bracy
Today’s Born To Talk Radio Show Podcast featured my guest Florence Bracy. She has authored her first book, “Help Me Understand My Child…A Mother’s Truth About Autism” What is Autism? It is a developmental disability affecting cognization, communication, behavior, and socialization. It is on a spectrum, where there are children and adults that are…